Don’t Fear Risk. Manage It.

Cybersecurity is not a matter of “if” but “when,” but with Critical Start by your side, you can be prepared and meet that challenge head-on. Schedule a demo to see the value Critical Start expanded MDR and Managed Cyber Risk Reduction products, services, and team of experts bring to your unique environment.

Zero Trust Analytics Platform™ (ZTAP®) Demo (our MDR platform)

A high level introduction to our platform that helps us deliver comprehensive MDR services that adapt and scale with your organization.


Our MobileSOC application enables you to access our ZTAP right from your phone. You can take action or communicate directly with Critical Start analysts from anywhere.

MobileSOC App Integrations with Microsoft Security Tools

A quick demo of our mobile app integrations with Microsoft Security tools. See how the mobile app puts the power of our MDR platform and SOC in the palm of your hands.

MDR Platform Integrations with Microsoft Security Tools

A quick demo of our MDR platform integrations with Microsoft Security tools. See how this technology enables us to detect the right threat and respond with the right action before the threat can disrupt your business.

MobileSOC App Integration with Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR

A quick demo of our mobile app integrations with Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR. See how the mobile app puts the power of our MDR platform and SOC in the palm of your hands.

MDR Platform Integration with Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR

A quick demo of our MDR platform integrations with Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR.

MDR Platform Integration with XSOAR

A quick demo of our MDR platform integrations with XSOAR.

Want to Learn More About the CRITICALSTART Difference?

The cyber landscape is ever changing and always comes with risk – that’s why our team resolves every alert and stays up-to-date on what’s happening in the industry. Stay “in the know” by reading our blog for technical and thought leadership articles, listen to our webinars for expert opinions or check out our other resources.

Tactics to Mitigate Security Gaps in Modern Threat Response. Upcoming Webinar - October 15.
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