Tabletop Exercises


Test your organization’s ability to respond and build resiliency through moderated scenarios that include simulated cyberattacks, disaster recovery and other crises.

Tabletop Exercises are a great way to determine your preparedness for an emergency before it occurs. These interactive exercises, which can be performed on-site or remotely, include:

Customized Scenarios

Situation Manual

Stakeholder Engagement

Constructive After-Action Report/Improvement Plan

Key Benefits

  • Minimize risk, reduce exposure and preserve evidence

  • Improve your security posture

  • Meet legal, compliance, HR and incident handling requirements

  • Boost your organization’s confidence and redundancy in critical response functions

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Tabletop Exercises

Test your organization’s ability to respond to attacks and build resiliency through moderated scenarios.

    Upcoming Webinar – Vulnerability Management with Qualys February 20
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