Podcast: The Last Watchdog Interview with Randy Watkins

“Security is really the art of handling risk” – Randy Watkins, CTO of CRITICALSTART.

It’s clear that managed security services providers (MSSPs) have a ripe opportunity to step into the gap and help small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) meet the daunting challenge of preserving the privacy and security of sensitive data.

CRITICALSTART is making some hay in this space — by striving to extend the roles traditionally played by MSSPs. The company has coined the phrase managed detection and response, or MDR, to more precisely convey the type of help it brings to the table.

Recently our CTO, Randy Watkins, spoke to Byron Acohido of The Last Watchdog about the difference between ‘risk-oriented’ versus ‘controlled-based’ security and how quantifying risks is the first step to defending network breaches.

Read Acohido’s blog and listen to the full podcast interview

The Last Watchdog | October 4, 2019

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